Custard Apple

Custard Apple
Nutrition Panel:
Custard-apple (bullock's-heart) Raw per 100g
Calories: 101 Energy: 422 kj
Protein: 1.70 g
Fat - total: 0 g
Carbohydrate - by diff: 25.20 g
Sugar - total: 0.00 g
Fibre: 2.4 g
Water: 71.50 g

General Description:

Varying in shape the custard apple ranges from a symmetrical globose to heart shaped, oblong or irregular. 
On average the size can range from 7-12 cm. 
Has a flavour that is sweet and pleasant.
Once ripe, its colour will be brown or yellowish, with red highlights depending on the variety. 


Avoid small fruit (under 300g) and dark green (immature) fruit.

Nutrition Information:

Excellent source of Vitamin C.
A source of dietary fibre, Vitamin B6, Magnesium & Potassium.
Provides 423kj / 100g.

Storage & Handling Information:

Store hard unripe custard apples in the fridge for up to 5 days.
Best temperature range for ripening is 18° to 24°C.

Locally Sourced Availability:
Overall Availability:

Growing Area Information:

WA - Outer Metropolitan Areas.
NSW - Lismore.
QLD - Yeppoon, Atherton.

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